Publications; S. L. Sutton
Listed by year, in total 7 books, 65 papers/articles
- 1959 Sutton, S.L Insect migration at Portland, Dorset, in 1958 Entomologist, 92: 257-263.
- 1962 Feeny, P.P., Sutton, S.L., Rees, C.J.C. University of Oxford South Caspian Expedition. Nature, 193: 834-835.
- Sutton, S.L. The Oxford University Expedition to the South Caspian, 1961. Oxford University Exploration Club Bulletin, 11: 1—24.
- 1963 Sutton, S.L. South Caspian insect fauna. I. Systematic list of Lepidoptera with notes. Annals & Magazine of Natural History, 6(13): 353—374.
- 1966 Sutton, S.L. South Caspian insect fauna. 1961. II Migration, status and distribution of certain insect species in Northern Persia. Transactions Royal Entomological Society of London, 118(3): 51-72.
- 1968 Sutton, S.L. Population dynamics of Trichoniscus pusillus and Philoscia muscorum (Crustacea, Oniscoidea) in limestone grassland. Journal of Animal Ecology, 37: 425-444.
- 1969 Sutton, S.L. The study of woodlice. Proceedings of British Entomological Society, 1(3): 71-75.
- Sutton, S.L. An oniscomorph millipede new to Yorkshire. Naturalist, Hull, 910: 84.
- Sutton, S.L. A migration of syrphid flies at Spurn. Naturalist, Hull, 909: 51-53
- 1970 Sutton, S.L. Growth patterns in Trichoniscus pusillus and Philoscia muscorum (Crustacea : Oniscoidea). Pedobiologia 10: 434-441
- Sutton, S.L. Predation on woodlice: an investigation using the precipitin test. Entomologia Experientia et Applicata, 13: 279-285.
- 1971 Sutton, S.L. Ecology. In The use of biological literature, 2nd edn. ed. R.T. Bottle and H.V. Wyatt. Butterworth, pp. 188-205.
- 1972 Sutton, S.L. Woodlice. Ginn & Co., 144 pp. BOOK
- Sutton, S.L., Harding, P.T. and Burn, D. Key to British Woodlice. Ginn & Co. 25pp.
- Sutton, S. L. Notable Lepidoptera. Naturalist, Hull, 921: 60.
- 1974 Sutton, S. L. and Spence, B.R. The macrolepidoptera of Spurn Head, E. Yorkshire. Check list with notes. Naturalist, Hull, 930: 95—105.
- Sutton, S.L. and Spence, B.R. The macro-Lepidoptera of Spurn Head, E. Yorkshire. Additions to the list. Naturalist, Hull, 931: 152.
- Sutton, S. L. and Mason, J .L. Insects Unlimited. In 4th Dimension Yearbook of the BBC
- 1975 Fairhurst, C.P., Harding, P.T. and Sutton, S.L. Distribution studies on certain soil invertebrates. Proceedings 2nd International Symposium, European Invertebrate Survey, pp. 47-55.
- Sutton, S. L. Zaire Butterflies. Wildlife Magazine.
- 1976 Sunderland, K.D., Hassall, Mark and Sutton, S.L. The population dynamics of Philoscia muscorum(Crustacea, Oniscoidea) in a dune grassland ecosystem. Journal of Animal Ecology, 45: 487—506.
- 1977 Davis, R.C., Hassall, Mark and Sutton, S.L. The vertical distribution of isopods and diplopods in a dune grassland. Pedobiologia, 17: 320-329.
- Davis, R.C. and Sutton, S .L. Spatial distribution and niche separation of woodlice and millipedes in a dune grassland ecosystem. In Soil and Organisms as Components of Ecosystems. Eds. Lohm U. and Persson, T. Proceedings VI International Soil Zoology Colloquium. Ecological Bulletin (Stockholm), 25: 45-55
- 1978 Davis, R.C. and Sutton, S .L. A comparative study of changes in biomass of isopods inhabiting dune grassland. Scientific Proceedings, Royal Dublin Society, Series A. 6(11): 223—234.
- Hassall, Mark and Sutton, S.L. The role of isopods as decomposers in a dune grassland ecosystem. Scientific Proceedings, Royal Dublin Society, Series A, 6(11): 235-245.
- 1979 Sutton, S. L. and Coghill, H. Woodlice and their control. Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food Leaflet 623.
- 1980 Cook, L.M., Fussey, G.D. and Sutton, S.L. Human demography in ecology teaching. Journal of Biological Education, 14(4): 299-302.
- Sutton, S. L. Woodlice. Pergamon, Oxford. p.144 (republication) BOOK
- Sutton, S.L. and Hudson, P.J. The vertical distribution of small flying insects in the lowland rain forest of Zaire. Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 68: 111-123.
- Sutton, S.L. A portable light trap for studying insects of the upper canopy. Brunei Museum Journal, 4(3): 156-160.
- Sutton, S.L. Vertical distribution of flying insects in lowland rain forest of Brunei: preliminary report. Brunei Museum Journal, 4(3): 161-179
- Sutton, S. L. The climate of the Ulu Temburong. Brunei Museum Journal, 4(3): 109-112
- Sutton, S. L. Insects and other Arthropods. In Complete Encyclopaedia of the Animal World. Ed. D.M. Burn. Octopus books.
- Sutton, S.L. Letter from Mt. Tambusisi. Far Eastern Economic Review. June 27, 1980.
- Sunderland, K.D. and Sutton, S.L. A serological study of arthropod predation on terrestrial isopods in a dune grassland ecosystem. Journal of Animal Ecology. 49(3): 987-1004.
- 1981 Sutton, S. L. and Hudson, P.J. Arthropod succession and diversity in umbels of Cyperus papyrus L. Biotropica, 13(2): 117-120.
- Fussey, G.D. and Sutton, S.L. The identification and distribution of the bisexual and parthenogenetic forms of Trichoniscus pusillus (Isopoda : Oniscoidea) in Ireland. Irish Naturalists’ Journal, 20(5): 173-216.
- Frankel, B., Sutton, S. L. and Fussey, G.D. The sex ratios of Trichoniscus pusillus Brandt (Crustacea Oniscoidea). Journal of Natural History, 15: 301-307.
- 1982 Oliver, P. G. and Sutton, S.L. Miktoniscus patiencei Vandel 1946 (Isopoda: Oniscoidea), a redescription with notes on its occurrence in Britain and Eire. Journal of Natural History, 16: 201-208.
- 1983 Sutton, S. L., Whitmore, T.C. and Chadwick, A.C. Eds. Tropical Rain forest: Ecology and Management. Blackwell Scientific Publications, Oxford, U.K. 498pp. BOOK
- Sutton, S.L. The spatial distribution of flying insects in tropical rain forest..In Tropical Rain Forest: Ecology and Management. pp 77-91. Eds. Sutton, S.L., Whitmore, T.C. and Chadwick, A.C. Blackwell Scientific Publications, Oxford, U.K. 498pp.
- Sutton, S. L. Charles Waterton in South America. British Journal of Anaesthesia, 55(3): 230-231
- Sutton, S. L., Ash, C. and Grundy, A. The vertical distribution of flying insects in rain forests in Panama, Papua New Guinea and Brunei. Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 78(3): 287-297.
- Chadwick, A.C. and Sutton, S. L. The preservation of tropical moist forest. International Relations, 7(5):2304-2322.
- 1984 Chadwick, A.C. and Sutton, S.L. (eds). Tropical Rain Forest: The Leeds Symposium. Special Publications of the Leeds Philosophical and Literary Society, Scientific Section, 335pp. BOOK
- Sutton, S.L. and Holdich, D.M. (eds). The Biology of Terrestrial Isopods. Symposium of the Zoological Society of London No. 53. Oxford University Press. BOOK
- Sutton, S. L., Hassall, M., Willows, R., Davis, R. C., Grundy, A. & Sunderland, K.D. Life histories of terrestrial isopods: a study of intra- and interspecific variation. Symposia of the Zoological Society of London, 53: 269-294.
- 1985 Harding, P.T. and Sutton, S.L. Woodlice in Britain and Ireland: Distribution and Habitat. Institute of Terrestrial Ecology, pp. 150 BOOK
- Hassall, M. and Sutton, S.L. Immobilization of mineral nutrients by Philoscia muscorum (Isopoda, Oniscoidea) in a dune grass ecosystem: in Striganova B.R. (ed) Soil Fauna and Soil Fertility pp. 29-35 Moscow. International Society for Soil Zoology.
- 1988 Harding, P.T. & Sutton, S.L. The spread of the terrestrial amphipod Arcitalitrus dorrieni in Britain and Ireland: watch this niche! Isopoda 2: 7-11.
- 1989 Sutton, S.L. The spatial distribution of flying insects in tropical rain forest. Chapter 24 in Ecosystems of the World. Vol. 14B Eds. H. Leith and M.J.A. Werger. pp. 427-436. Elsevier.
- Sutton, S.L. and Beaumont, H.E. The butterflies and moths of Yorkshire : distribution and conservation. Yorkshire Naturalist Union. pp. 380. BOOK
- Sutton, S.L. and Harding, P.T. Interpretation of the distribution of terrestrial isopods in the British Isles. Proceedings of the 2nd Symposium on the Biology of Terrestrial Isopods. Monitore Zoologico Italiano. (N.S.), Monografia 4. BOOK
- Grundy, A. and Sutton, S.L. Year class splitting in the woodlouse Philoscia muscorum explained through studies of growth and survivorship. Holarctic Ecology. 12: 112-119.
- 1990 Harding, P.T., Rushton, S.P., Eyre, M.D. and Sutton, S.L. Multivariate analysis of British data on distribution and ecology of terrestrial Isopoda, in The Biology of Terrestrial Isopods III. Universite de Poitiers (France).
- 1991 Sutton, S.L. & Collins, N.M. Insects and tropical forest conservation, in Conservation of Insects and their Habitats eds. Collins, N.M. and Thomas J.A. 15th Symposium, Royal Entomological Society of London. pp 405-424 Academic Press.
- 1992 Peng, R. K., Sutton, S.L. and Fletcher, C.R. Spatial and temporal patterns of flying Diptera. Journal of Zoology, Lond. 228: 329-340
- Peng, R.K., Fletcher, C.R. and Sutton, S.L. The effect of microclimate on flying dipterans. International Journal of Biometeorology 36: 69-76
- Sutton, S. L. Species dispersal in agricultural habitats Ed R.G.H. Bunce & D.C. Howard [book review]
- 1993 Peng, R.K., Incoll, L.D., Sutton, S.L., Wright, C. & Chadwick, A. Diversity of airborne arthropods in a silvoarable agroforestry system. Journal of Applied Ecology, 30:551-652
- Peng, R.K, Incoll, L.D., & Sutton, S.L. Entomological changes within an agroforestry system. The Bulletin of the British Ecological Society XIV:4,221-227
- 1994 Memmott, J. and Sutton, S.L. Sandfly stratification on tree buttresses in a Costa Rican tropical rainforest. Journal of Tropical Ecology 10: 87-101
- Peng, R.K., Sutton, S. L. Fletcher, C.R. and Chang, L.N. Insect boundary layer and the flight activity of insects within their boundary layers. Acta Ecologica Sinica
- Peng, R.K., Incoll, L.D., Sutton, S. L., Wright, C. and Chadwick, A. Diversity of aerial arthropods in a silvoarable agroforestry system. Journal of Applied Ecology.
- Peng, R. K., Sutton, S.L. and Fletcher, C.R. Distribution patterns of some species of Scatopsidae (Insecta: Diptera) and the effect of microclimate on their flight activity. Journal of Zoology, Lond. 232:585-594
- 1995 Sutton, S. L. & Davis, A. J. Opportunities for canopy research at Danum Valley Field Centre, with special reference to the phyllosphere pp.27-30 in 2nd International ESF Workshop on Tropical Canopy Research: Final Scientific Report. Ed. R. Lucking et al.
- 1996 Peng, R.K. & Sutton, S.L. The activity and diversity of ground arthropods in an agroforestry system. Proceedings of the 49th New Zealand Plant Protection Conference 1996. pp.309-313
- 1997 Barker, M. G. & Sutton, S.L. Low-tech methods for forest canopy access Biotropica 29(2): 243-247
- Davis, A.J., Huijbregts, J., Kirk-Spriggs, A.H., Krikken, J. and Sutton, S.L. The ecology and behaviour of arboreal dung beetles in Borneo. In Canopy Arthropods N.E.Stork, J.Adis & R.Didham (eds), pp. 417-432. Chapman & Hall, London.
- Davis, A.J. and Sutton, S.L. A dung beetle that feeds on fig: implications for the measurement of species rarity. Journal of Tropical Ecology 13: 759-766.
- 1998 Davis, A.J. and Sutton, S.L. The effects of rainforest canopy loss on arboreal dung beetles in Borneo: implications for the measurement of biodiversity in derived tropical ecosystems. Diversity and Distributions 4: 167-173.
- 2000 Willott, S.J., Lim, D.C., Compton, S.G. and Sutton, S.L. Effects of selective logging on the butterflies of a Bornean rain forest. Conservation Biology 14(4):1055-1065
- 2001 Davis, A.J., Holloway, J.D., Huijbregts, J., Kirk-Spriggs, A.H., Krikken, J and Sutton, S.L. Dung beetles as indicators of change in the forests of northern Borneo. Journal of Applied Ecology 38(1):-593-616
- Sutton, S.L. Alice grows up: upper canopy science in transition from Wonderland to Reality. In Tropical Forest Canopies: Ecology and Management. Eds. Linsenmair, K.E., Davis, A.J., Fiala, B. and Speight, M.R. Kluwer Academic Publishers. Pp.13-21 (volume reprinted from Plant Ecology 153, 2001)
- 2003 Hassall, M., Latipi, Z., Taiti, S., Jones, D., Sutton, S.L. & Mohammed, M Biodiversity of terrestrial isopods along a gradient of disturbance in Sabah, East Malaysia. Poster presentation for Symposium on Soil Ecosystem Processes – British Ecological Society
- 2005 Cook, L. M., Sutton, S.L. & Crawford, T.J.A. Melanic moth frequencies in Yorkshire, an old English industrial hot spot. Journal of Heredity 96:522-528
- 2008 Sutton, S.L. Entomology at Danum. Antenna 32(1):29-33
- 2009 Sutton, Stephen L. Climate Change: Was Copenhagen a Failure and what are the Consequences for Sabah? Sabah Society Journal 26; 7-13
- 2011 A.J. Davis, S.L. Sutton, & M.J.D. Brendell. Vertical distribution of beetles in a tropical rainforest in Sulawesi: the role of the canopy in contributing to biodiversity. Sepilok Bulletin 13 & 14: 59-83
- 2011 A.J. Davis & S.L. Sutton. Species-volume relationships in tropical rainforests. Sepilok Bulletin 13 & 14: 85-99
- 2012 A.J. Davis & S.L. Sutton. Estimating species richness through three dimensions. Sepilok Bulletin 15 & 16: 69-83
- 2015 Stephen Sutton, Henry Barlow & Terry Whitaker. A preliminary guide to Pyralid Moths of Borneo Part 1. Natural History Publications (Borneo) and Southdene. 35 colour plates; pp. 89
- 2015 Stephen Sutton & Lim Kooi Fong. A new world of moths explored across three continents. Sabah Society Journal Vol.32: 107-126
- Projected:Sabah Society Journal Vol. 32 (2015) 107–126
- 2017 Terry Whitaker, Henry Barlow & Stephen Sutton. A preliminary guide to Pyralid Moths of Borneo Part 2. Natural History Publications (Borneo) and Southdene
- 2018 Henry Barlow, Stephen Sutton & Terry Whitaker. A preliminary guide to Pyralid Moths of Borneo Part 3. Natural History Publications (Borneo) and Southdene
1984 One that got away: Sugden A.M., Mitchell, A.W., Sutton, S.L., Wint, G.R.W. Aerial walkways in rain forest canopies: Their construction and use. In ‘The botany & natural history of Panama’ W.G. D’Arcy & M.D. Correa, Eds. Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden, Symposium edition.
This paper was mistakenly attributed solely to A M Sugden by the journal in which it was published, without his knowledge at the time. No correction was ever published. Grrr!